Dracorex are saying: "this year, come in Italy to see the best dino-exhibit of the world!"
Here in Italy we have great expectations for the 2012. It will be another amazing year for paleontology and paleoart!
After the stages in cities of Piacenza, Courmayeur and Pavia, the wonderful exhibit of "Dinosauri in Carne e Ossa" (Dinosaurs in the Flesh) will move in the city of Florence (Firenze), from the 1st day of March until September 2. For this new stage, the largest fleshed-out restorations will be seen in one of the world’s oldest and suggestive botanical gardens, the Garden Semplici of the Florence Natural History Museum!
A year has passed from the first opening of the exhibit, in Piacenza, and now our paleoartists and the Geomodel team prepared a lot of new attractions and services for the fans.
First of all, new life-size sculptures of prehistoric animals (not only dinosaurs). Parasaurolophus, Stygimoloch, Triceratops and many other beasts will join into the pack!

Stygimoloch spinifer (preview)
Visitors can view the progress of the 3D Paleoaquarium, 110 educational illustrated panels, 120 illustrations of internationally renowned paleoartists, and some surprises!
For the kids, some week ago was inaugurated "Dinosauri in Carne e Ossa Junior", a nice initiative finalized to promote in the web the art of young dinosaur enthusiasts of today... and yesterday. Someone have recognized the artist who made the drawing above? Is a work by Davide Bonadonna, when he was 7 years old! :)
Here, some interesting websites related to "Dinosauri in Carne e Ossa":
The Official Website.
Blog Geomodel: The blog of Geomodel, contein a lot of photos about this incredible dinosaur models.
Dinosauri in Carne e Ossa Official Facebook page.
Go Go Dinosaurs: The blog of Andrea Pirondini, graphic designer for the exhibit and member of the team "Prehistoric Minds".
The photos posted in this article belongs to Geomodel.
The "Dinosauri in Carne e Ossa" poster and the other graphic manipulations belongs to Andrea Pirondini.